
The Cambridge University Association Croquet Club (CUACC) runs an inter-collegiate knockout tournament (Cuppers) and raises a team for the annual Varsity Match against our old enemies, the Oxford University Association Croquet Club.

Interested in joining? Do check out our stall at the freshers’ fair. We also hope to run taster sessions in Michaelmas term – keep an eye out on the mailing list for details.

Most of our practice sessions take place throughout the Easter Term, alongside Cuppers. The club also plays a number of external fixtures, culminating in the annual Varsity Match against Oxford. Announcements of opportunities to play and general updates will be made on our mailing list, and via the Facebook page.

CUACC has a long and distinguished history: the Varsity match has been contested since 1961, and the club has produced seven international players including the 2016 World Champion.

If you would like to get involved, you can also easily become a member by filling in the membership form (see below). If you have any questions, please contact our President at president#cucroquet.com*

*As an anti-spam measure, the ‘@’ in email address have been replaced by ‘#

Sign up here | MEMBERSHIP FORM


Croquet is a relaxing game that combines strategy and physical skill. CUACC exists to promote it at all levels in the University – whether you’re after a quiet afternoon in the company of friends and a jug of Pimm’s or the challenge of competition play. Easy to pick up, croquet is nevertheless a difficult game to master.

This could be you! Patricia Duke-Cox, President of the Croquet Association, presents the Cuppers trophy to Peterhouse, June 2024

CUACC accommodates all abilities from novice to expert. We’re happy to provide a basic introduction to the game irrespective of strength, sex or age: come along and give it a go! It is unfortunate that the best croquet weather coincides with the exam period, but the value of a break from the airless library out in the sunshine should not be underestimated.